PCCU is always looking for ways to serve you better, whether it’s in refining our policies and procedures or by adding new technology. Beginning on July 1st you can send us text messages during business hours! Just enter our 800-582-7228 number in the text messaging feature of your cellphone and send us a message*.
You can also use our local branch numbers:
Hagerstown: 765-489-4571
Richmond: 765-965-7400
New Castle: 765-521-2215
Whichever number you use, you’ll get the same great service you’ve come to expect over the phone and in person from PCCU, because live human beings will be responding in real time.
It’s a great alternative when you don’t have time for a phone call, but still need information or assistance. It’s also a nice option for those who don’t like to talk on the phone. Whether you need to ask a question about a current account, check on an application, or just need help you can get it without having to call, email, or stop in.
This is a great time to make sure you’ve given us your most up to date contact information, including your cell number. Having your accurate cell number will make it easier for us to identify your incoming messages. But also, please take this opportunity to update your physical and/or mailing address and your email address as well.
*Msg & Data rates may apply.