Member Appreciation Days were a blast again this year! PCCU members enjoyed pumpkin pies from Mrs. Wick, along with warm and cold cider, and coffee. Like last year we added Mrs. Wick’s sugar cream pies to the mix and they proved to be a hit. They will become a part of the Member Appreciation Days tradition!

Members were also able to choose from three different types of 2020 PCCU calendars. The long time favorite Norman Rockwell wall calendars are always popular. The new planning calendars, with extra space in each day along with printed lines make the planning calendars popular in busy households. Of course many people enjoy the pocket calendars as well, carrying them everywhere so they never forget to add important appointments. It’s not too late to grab one either as there are still some left in the branches for you!

Additionally, we still have gift envelopes available for those of you who like to give the gift of cash during the holidays! It’s the one gift that always fits everyone, and never gets returned!
Thank you to our members for allowing us to show how much we appreciate you! We know you have many choices when it comes to banking, and without your business there would be no PCCU. Thank you for your trust and your continued good will, we look forward to serving you for many years to come!