PCCU is proud to announce our first trip report back from the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund. On Thursday, May 10th, Mr. Josh Owens took his fourth grade class from James Whitcomb Riley Elementary School in New Castle to visit the Levi and Catharine Coffin State Historic Site in Fountain City. The Coffin home was an important stop on the Underground Railroad and Levi and Catharine sheltered and aided enslaved African-Americans as they sought freedom and safety in the North and Canada.
Mr. Owens said, “I wanted to reach out to you and thank you again for the opportunity to provide free transportation for a class field trip. Our students… used this opportunity to go to the Levi Coffin House. It was a great experience, and the students truly loved it. It was great to see the students connect what they learned from the visit back to their S(ocial) S(tudies) lessons that we had discussed in class… Once again, thank you for making this trip possible for our students!!”. PCCU’s staff and members are delighted to help his students learn more about their Hoosier Heritage of standing up against injustice.
We’ve approved seven other trips by local fourth graders and are waiting eagerly to hear how they went. If you’re a teacher or administrator for fourth grade students in a public school in Wayne or Henry counties and you’d like to learn about how PCCU’s Hoosier Explorer Field Trip Fund can help your class please visit the Field Trip Fund site, or contact PCCU’s Education & Development Director Kim Welch at kwelch@pccu.com.
If you’d like to support the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund, PCCU is hosting an ice cream social at all three of our offices on Friday, June 8, from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. Choose from several flavors of ice cream and an array of toppings and help local students see the Hoosier state. The suggested donation is $2, but contributions of all sizes are welcome.
As seen in the Courier-Times on June 3rd, 2018.