Our Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) loan rates are hitting the mat! Fixed Home Equity loans starting as low as 5.49%* and HELOCS starting at 4.25%*, so you can come out swinging and get your problems on the ropes.

Old air conditioner breaking down?
Knock it out!
Credit Card bills running too high?
Knock ’em out!
College expenses keeping you up at night?
Knock ’em out!
Our Home Loan Expert, Lisa Cowgill is in your corner. She’ll listen to your story and give you the information you need to pick the solution that’s right for you. Call her today at 765-489-4572, or email her with your questions at lcowgill@pccu.com. Lisa’s ready to go to the mat for you!
*Rates and terms dependent on credit and income. Available for homes in Wayne, Henry, Randolph, Delaware, Madison, Hancock, Rush, Fayette, or Union Counties ONLY. Must qualify for PCCU membership. Terms and conditions subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Proud Equal Opportunity Lender.