COVID-19 Response – June Update

Throughout the pandemic PCCU members have been great! We appreciate the patience and understanding you’ve shown. Our frontline staff, especially our MSRs, have been incredible with their devotion to member service day in and day out. Please let them know how much you value their dedication and perseverance in the face of extraordinary conditions!

We know some folks are having a tough time right now. If you or someone you know could use financial advice or counseling, please connect with us so we can help. Use our Financial Advice form to let us know how we might help, and how best to contact you. People helping people is what will get us all through to the other side.

In July we’ll be re-evaluating our lobby closures, watching state and local conditions closely with the safety of staff and members coming first. In the meantime, we’ll continue to provide convenient access to our services and your account by drive-up, as well as phone and electronic means. If you have a need that can only be met in-person we’ll gladly make an appointment for you at the office of your choice.

When we’re prepared to reopen we’ll let you know when it will happen, what protective measures will be in place, and any changes to hours or services we anticipate will be necessary to minimize everyone’s risk. You can check out our website for up to date information, and of course you’re always welcome to call us at 800-582-7228 with any questions or concerns. We thank you for your willingness to adapt and put our collective health and welfare first, you’ve been positively great!